Gainesville Regional Utilities Makes the Switch to LED Street Lighting
Gainesville Regional Utilities is replacing all streetlights to Light Emitting Diode (LED) fixtures and bulbs. GRU has over 30,000 streetlights in its territory, and this phased program will last approximately five years.
LED lights are more energy efficient.
LED lights use 63% less energy than traditional High Pressure Sodium (HPS) lights.1
LED lights last longer and will reduce GRU’s maintenance costs.
LED bulbs last 2-3 times longer than HPS lights (10-15 years).
LED light color temperature can improve nighttime visibility.
The City of Gainesville has adopted 3,000 Kelvin (K) lights, which provide a warmer and more natural correlated color temperature (CCT).2
LED lights reduce crime rate and lead to safer neighborhoods.
In New York City, a study found a 39% reduction in crimes at night where new LED street lights were installed.3
LED lights reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
In 2017, LED bulbs reduced 570 million tons of carbon emissions nationwide.4
See the LED savings at home.
Gainesville residents can continue the savings at home by replacing indoor incandescent and compact fluorescent (CFL) bulbs with LED. See how much you can save using this Lighting Calculator.
See the brochure here.
To report a streetlight outage:
Please use GRU’s online streetlight repair request form or call (352) 334-3434. When possible, include the pole number with the request.
To request a new streetlight or change to an existing street light:
In the City of Gainesville contact the City of Gainesville Public Works Department at (352) 334-5070 or pubwrk@cityofgainesville.org.
Outside city limits contact Alachua County Public Works Department at (352) 374-5245.
Rental lighting:
GRU offers rental lights for residential and commercial customers. Find more information here or call (352) 334-3434.