- Choose your task or develop your own project. Some projects are "first come,
- If your project is selected, GRU may furnish materials or equipment if the project provides a needed enhancement to the park.
- Your group will supply the labor.
Local Eagle Scouts recently completed projects at Chapman's Pond & Nature Trails. Matt Major, P.K. Yonge student, was the project manager who built the beautiful gazebo below. Construction of the gazebo took over five Saturdays to complete. "This is the most ambitious project we've had at Chapman's to date," said Senior Water/Wastewater Engineer John Gifford, P.E. John, along with other GRU staff reviews and approves proposals from individuals and/or organizations like the Boy Scouts and oversees miscellaneous projects through completion.

Interested in completing one of our proposed Projects at Chapman's?
Information on Submitting Proposals